Nude on a Red Background - Oil on Canvas - 1927
Combining the classical with the modern, Léger's Nude on a Red Background (1927) depicts a monumental, expressionless woman, machinelike in form and color. His still life compositions from this period are dominated by stable, interlocking rectangular formations in vertical and horizontal orientation.
The Builders with Ropes - Oil on Canvas - 1950
This painting shares the cubist motif of creating a not-figurative realism, however it is distinguished from the Montmartre artists by imposing not an intellectual, but a visual cubism. Its concern is not indeed to appear the totality of the object, but to distinguish each object in volume and plan within an ideal space. It practices, according to Louis Vauxcelles, the "tubisme". Uncoupled, geometrical volumes are not static any more and indissociable, but autonomous, creating between them a dynamic antagonism.

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